Program Documentation CATUTIL1.EXE Computer Adaptive Test Utility Thomas B. Wiggers 528 Cliffview Drive Brandon, Ms. 39042 NOTE: Version 2.0 of the CAITEST.EXE program no longer requires one question per QFILE when preparing % based, non competency based examinations. This utility is still included for instructors who wish for whatever reason to split a large QFILE into multiple smaller QFILES each containing a single question. This utility was designed to be of use to an instructor who wishes to prepare a non-competency based Computer Administered Examination, and wants to save time in the preparation of the QFILES which are necessary for the examination. In a NON competency-based exam, questions are read sequentially from QFILES, beginning with QFIL1.MCH and continuing through the number of files specified by the "Number of File Sets" parameter in the configuration file for a particular examination (the .INI file). Procedure: 1) Decide how many questions are to be presented to the student. 2) Utilizing the File Rearrangement Utility of the Test Generator Program, select the required number of questions, either by selecting random questions, or, if sequence of the questions is important, selecting specific questions from files. Select and copy these questions into a single data file. 3) Rename the .RRG rearrangement file to a .MCH question file. 4) Change to the directory containing the Test Generator Program Files and type "CATUTIL1" 5) Read the initial set of instructions presented. When ready to begin, press any key. 6) The PATH of the Source File indicates the location of the file created in Step 2 & 3 above. Enter this information at this point and press [ENTER]. If the PATH does NOT point to a subdirectory, (i.e. A:), DO NOT type a "\" following the colon. Examples of CORRECT PATHS: A: C:\TESTS A:\CAITESTS\EXAMS 7) Specify the name of the SOURCE FILE, which is the file you created in step 2 & 3 above. DO NOT enter the .MCH suffix, only the filename. Press [ENTER] 8) Enter the PATH or location where you want the QFILES written. Follow the conventions described in step 6 above. Press [ENTER] and the process will be completed. 9) When completed you will have a set of files in the destination PATH which consist of all the questions in the source file, in the order that they were in that file, written to individually numbered QFILES, consisting of one question per file. Any problems or questions should be addressed to: Thomas Wiggers 528 Cliffview Drive, Brandon, Ms. 39042 tel: day (601)984-6309 night (601) 992-1373 collect. The programs carry a lifetime guarantee, and are NOT copy protected. They MAY NOT be transferred or given to another party. Since the programs are being routinely updated and improved, any constructive suggestions will be appreciated. UTIL1DOC.WP6 February 21, 1994